Marco Guzzi (born 25 March 1955) is a poet and philosopher. He has been married to Paola Balestreri since 1985 and the couple have three children: Gloria, Chiara and Gabriele. He graduated from Law School in 1977 in Rome and again with a degree in Philosophy in 1980, having studied also in Frieburg and Bonn.
Guzzi combines his poetic and philosophical research with an intense activity of communication through a great variety of seminars and speeches.
He had also been involved in mass media production in the public broacasting house (RAI) for a long time.
From 1985 to 1998 he presented some of the most important radio RAI call-in programmes where his sensitivity in deeply feeling for people fully came to the fore. Among those programmes it is worth mentioning “Dentro la sera” (Into the Evening), “Sognando il giorno” (Dreaming of the Day) and above all the flagship call-in programme on Radio 2 “3131”.
From 1985 to 2002 he organised poetic and philosophical seminars at the International Center “Eugenio Montale” in Rome.
In the mid noughties, when social media took off one after the other, Guzzi promptly grasped the opportunity to spread his message to a broader audience in this new media environment.
Since 2004 he has been in charge of the editorial collection “Crocevia” (Crossroads) edited by Paoline publishing house.
Since 2005 he has been running courses at the “Claretianum” Theology Institute of “Vita Consacrata” of the Lateranense University.
Since 2008 he has been Professor at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Salesian Pontifical University.
In 2009 he was nominated by Pope Benedict XVI as a member of Papal Academy “delle Belle Arti e delle Lettere dei Virtuosi al Pantheon”.
His creativity and his original elaboration of new languages to express our humanity ended up in the current experimentation with the groups of interior liberation through which he hopes to facilitate the urgently needed process of spiritual transformation everyone is gasping for.
Therefore in 1999 he started the experience of the Peacepath Groups where the cultural, psychological and spiritual levels of education are integrated, aiming to reconcile the Christian faith and modernity.
Main publications: regarding poetry: Il Giorno (The Day) (Scheiwiller 1988); Teatro Cattolico (Catholic Theatre) (Jaca Book 1991), Figure dell’ira e dell’indulgenza (Images of Wrath and Indulgence) (Jaca Book 1997); Preparativi alla vita terrena (Preparing for the Earthly Life) (Passigli 2002); Nella mia storia Dio (God in My Story) (Passigli 2005); Parole per nascere (Words to be born) (Paoline 2014).
Theory-oriented books: La Svolta – La fine della storia e la via del ritorno (Turning Point – The End of History and the Way Back) (Jaca Book 1987); Rivolgimenti – Dialoghi di fine millennio (Changes – Dialogues at the End of Millennium) (Marietti 1990); L’Uomo Nascente – La trasformazione personale alle soglie del nuovo millennio (The Rising Man – Personal Transformation on the Verge of the New Millennium) (RED 1997); Passaggi di millennio (Changes of the Millennium) (Paoline 1998); L’Ordine del Giorno – La coscienza spirituale come rivoluzione del nuovo secolo (The order of the day – Spiritual Conscience as Revolution of the New Century) (Paoline 1999); Cristo e la nuova era (Christ and the New Era) (Paoline 2000); La profezia dei poeti (Prophesy of the Poets) (Moretti e Vitali 2002); Darsi pace – Un manuale di liberazione interiore (‘Peace-Path’ – A Manual of Interior Liberation) (Paoline 2004); La nuova umanità – Un progetto politico e spirituale (The New Humanity – a Political and Spiritual Project) (Paoline 2005); Per donarsi – Un manuale di guarigione profonda (For-Giving – A Manual of Profound Healing) (Paoline 2007); Yoga e preghiera cristiana – Percorsi di liberazione interiore (Yoga and Christian Prayer – Paths of Interior Liberation) (Paoline 2009); Dalla fine all’inizio – Saggi apocalittici (From the End to the Begining – Apocaliptic Essays) (Paoline 2011); Dodici parole per ricominciare – Saggi messianici (Twelve words to Start Again – Messianic Essays (Ancora 2011); Il cuore a nudo – Guarire in dialogo con Dio (Paoline 2012); Buone Notizie – Spunti per una vita nuova (Messaggero S. Antonio 2013); Imparare ad amare – Un manuale di realizzazione umana (Paoline 2013); L’Insurrezione dell’umanità nascente (Paoline 2015); Fede e Rivoluzione – Un manifesto (Paoline 2017); Facebook: Il profilo dell’uomo di Dio (Paoline 2017); Alla ricerca del continente della gioia (Paoline 2019); Dizionario della lingua inaudita – La lingua e la Rivoluzione (Paoline 2019); La vita è l’opera – Una biografia (Paoline 2020)