"I continued to preach ‘the decay of others is also in ourselves’, and I see no other solution, really, I see no other solution but to turn within ourselves and tear out our decay. I no longer think we can improve something in the exterior world unless we improve it within ourselves first. It’s the only lesson of this war: we need to turn within ourselves and nowhere else"
Etty Hillesum
Darsi Pace is a cultural movement that is expressed through the groups of interior liberation, within which the Christian faith is launched as a concrete and continued experience of new birth: the of melting our old ego-centric self, dominated by fear and hatred, and emersion of a new spiritual self that is happier and more free.
This changeover from the substantially war-oriented humanity to a more pacific one, capable of peaceful relations, is manifesting as the only evolutional possibility for the entire mankind. The ego-centric self is proved, decade after decade, to be a principal incapable of running the human life on this planet but rather destruction-oriented.
The processes of globalization are revealing apocalyptically, which means in a very clear way, that the ego-centered government of the planet is unsustainable and the necessity of a complete change that is first of all interior.
"We need to look at all the good possibilities that there are, our hopes, the new possibilities of life. And finally, we need to see in this actual moment the need for change, a new turning point, we need to announce it, announce that it cannot occur without an interior conversion"
Benedetto XVI
Humanity needs a changeover! A change that the more illuminated great minds are announcing, even those who do not share the Christian vision.
Therefore, Christians can communicate in a new way with non-believers or people with different religious affiliation, offering the Christian key of interpretation of the anthropological change currently happening, that is a new level of realization of the mystery of the New Humanity, a post-war and relational humanity, inaugurated by Jesus Christ.
Thus, the time begins for “announcing dialogue” (dialogo annunciante) never before envisaged.
"I believe that we are at a turning point of epochal transition to a “climatic” global economy, and radical repositioning of the human presence on this planet. The era of the “mind” is about to be replaced with the era of empathy (…) The autonomous and exclusive self, implicated in the concept of the private property, leaves a spot for an inclusive, relational self, participating on the global public square, virtual and real"
Jeremy Rifkin
This context of anthropological turning point in 1999 gave birth to the ‘Darsi Pace’ groups under the leadership of Marco Guzzi.